iMacros for
This was a Javascript code for iMacros that will automate collecting satoshis for bitcoin faucets. This was an experimental script and I will not be responsible if your account was banned. The goal was simply to be familiarize in coding Javascript for iMacros and automate recaptcha and normal captcha solving and modify it for your needs. I also don't care if the site I mentioned was scam as it was not related to my goal.
So feel free to modify it to your needs.
What do we need?
- Mozilla Firefox 47.0 - I use portable version so it can easily be distributed.
- iMacros v8.9.7 as I have found this as stable build for the Firefox that we will use.
- 2Captcha account because it was easy enough to gain balance by working in recaptcha using their 2CaptchaBot-X. You can also earn from this and withdraw your balance or use it to solve your captchas in your bots.
- coinfast.js - This is my iMacros code for
Once all are downloaded and installed, simply right click and save coinfast.js to your iMacros folder which is commonly found in your Documents\iMacros\Macros folder then edit the key variable on the file with your 2Captcha API key found in your account settings.
Also make sure that you have enough balance in your 2Captcha account so start working if you don't have or add fund with your own money.
How does this work?
Make an account in then log-in. This site has two captchas to solve. First is the Google ReCaptcha then second was normal text captcha. First, the script will detect the data-site key and the current site URL which is needed to send to for solving then it will wait for the result and save it to a variable. Once received, it will be placed on textarea of g-recaptcha-response ID then click the submit button.
Once submitted, the second captcha will appear. Again, this will be saved to your C:\media2.png and will be sent to to be solved. After you receive the result, it will be pasted on the textbox then click claim. If it was successful, it will start waiting for 600 seconds or 10 minutes before the loop repeats, else it will repeat the entire process.
This code was an unlimited loop so if you want it to be specific in the count of your loop, you must change the for loop code on the file.